
Elgon International Health Institute

EIHI is committed at maintaining an academic and clinical environment where students and staff work together to further education and research to provide the highest level of patients care in both classroom, laboratory, hospital, health centers and clinics. The goal is to train men and women to meet the highest standards of professionalism and work in an environment where effective ethical and compassionate patient care is both expected and provided.

about EIHI

International Health Institute

EIHI is preparing and producing multi-skilled health cadres ready to change the unhealthy living to healthy lives of the community and to ensure that these generations, and many to come, are ready and able to take on the ill-health problems that confront us at home and across our world.


Elgon International Health Institute was established to cover gaps in training middle level Multi-skilled cadres of Allied Health Professionals. The gaps were identified after along deficiency in health care delivery in Uganda. The existing medical institutions ware few to cover the vacuum of health professionals and also do not offer such courses in the country. In the process the institution was accredited and recognized to offer a number of courses to produce the lacking cadres such as

Clinical officers, Medical Laboratory Technicians, Medical Theatre Technicians, Pharmacists, Anaesthetic officers and Medical Tutors to bridge the gaps that exists in the country and especially in eastern Uganda.

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Our Vision:

Health and education for sustainable economic development of  all communities

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         To train and produce competent health workers with appropriate attitudes to deliver high-quality Preventive, Curative, and Diagnostic health services.

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To train men and women to meet the highest standards of professionalism and work in an environment where effective ethical and compassionate patient care is both expected and provided.

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We strive for excellence in all our academic pursuits. We are committed to innovation in our teaching, research, patient care and outreach to our communities. We commit to continuous self-improvement to achieve excellence in all our endeavors.

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Ethics and Dignity

We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, respect, and professional and scholarly ethics. We value the dignity and worth of patients and all people. We expect all of our conduct to be based on integrity, mutual respect, and civility, and that conduct is driven by the highest ethical standards.

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We embrace all aspects of human diversity and value its necessity to ensure a vibrant learning community. We are committed to providing a college community that is supportive, safe, and welcoming. We are committed to ensuring intercultural and international diversity in our curriculum and our people.

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Student Focus

We are committed to fostering the professional and personal growth of all medical students and our fellow colleagues by promoting lifelong learning and leadership development. These interests are the primary focus of medical college decisions and activities.

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Respect for individuals who are affiliated with, or come in contact with, Elgon International Health Institute: staff, students, residents, fellows, faculty, staff, partners, communities, patients and families.

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Collaboration and Public Engagement

We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, respect, and professional and scholarly ethics. We value the dignity and worth of patients and all people. We expect all of our conduct to be based on integrity, mutual respect, and civility, and that conduct is driven by the highest ethical standards.

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Ndoboli Ambrose   Principal Tutor EIHI

From the Principal’s Desk

Dear Student, It is my pleasure to welcome you to Elgon International Health Institute (EIHI) which is committed to producing quality mid-level multi-skilled medical/health care cadres that will provide highest level of patient care.

The Institute has dedicated itself to quality tutoring, demonstration and aims at training you comprehensively in your course of interest. The guidance of our teaching team and your dedicated co-operation will, I am sure, yield the best possible result.

You are expected to study your course units seriously since you are getting yourself trained for a vocation which will enable you serve the society and as well to earn a living. Mere lecturing and endless tutoring will prove futile unless you learn, retain and assiduously assimilate all that has been imparted to you.

Rest assured that we are here, always ready to help you.

A word to the parents/guardians: A little guidance at this stage can be of the greatest service as; a wrong selection based on haphazard choice may interfere with a really promising career.

Wishing you the very best in life.

Ndoboli Ambrose   Principal Tutor EIHI
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From Director’s Desk

On behalf of the directors, I am pleased to introduce to you Elgon International Health Institute and offer our vision for the future of the health training institute.

Elgon International Health Institute (EIHI) was established to cover the gaps in training Middle Level Multi Skilled Cadres of Allied Health to address the deficiency in health care delivery in Uganda.


In March-2013, The Ministry of Health Bi-annual report on human resources revealed that the national wide recruitment results of health workers which were conducted between Oct-2012 – March-2013 for Health Centres IVs (HCIVs) and HC IIIs. The report indicated that, Anaesthetic Officers, Theatre assistants and Dispensers attracted the lowest number. The report stated that out of 445 vacancies for Anaesthetic officers needed only 68 (15%) filled the gap and 228 vacancies for theatre assistants only 62 (27%) applied and received appointment letters.


EIHI is complementing Government program and policy of training Mid-level multi-skilled cadres of Healthy Workers where, so far hundreds of practitioners in fields of medical theatre operations, clinical laboratory services, pharmaceutical services, clinical and rehabilitation services are prepared to serve/work within and across the globe.  B


EIHI continues to respond to the emerging needs of the society. As directors, we have taken on a twofold responsibility: to uphold our foundations and mission and to ensure our ongoing relevance in graduating the Mid-level multi-skilled health cadres to provide medical care to the community. EIHI’s mission is critical for the challenges we face today, and we will work together to express that mission and make sure it remains alive and relevant. We need to keep preparing and producing multi-skilled health cadres ready to change the unhealthy living to healthy lives of the community and to ensure that these generations, and many to come, are ready and able to take on the ill-health problems that confront us at home and across our world.


To that end, we intend to leverage EIHI’s academic and institutional networks to develop and expand/ add certificate and diploma courses and continue to innovate in technology currently explored in providing medical care to patients. We work to provide ever clear pathways to careers for our students. We want our students to find homes in change-making organizations across the world, so we must ensure that we combine our social services core with the hard skills needed for employment.

My vision is to build EIHI and train men and women to meet the highest standards of professionalism and work in an environment where effective, ethical and compassionate patient care is both expected and provided.

I invite you to join us as a prospective student, parent, or friend.


Kateu .Y. Namoni
Elgon International Health Institute-Mbale.
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Kateu Y Namoni  MD EIHI

Kagayi  Kayi  Registrar

From Registrar’s desk

I welcome you to Elgon International Health Institute.  I congratulate you upon selecting Elgon International Health Institute and the course of your choice for competence based education and training to enable you acquire knowledge and skills to provide health care to patients.

You will explore your potential, by interacting with the range of meaningful competence based education and training which involves activities, along with the highly qualified tutors and other competent professionals. Our experienced tutors and Instructors provide an up-to-date competence based education and training, in the field of Healthcare and Information Technology (IT) with the cutting edge advanced training, with the latest equipment and technologies, to develop your hidden talent and the greatest abilities from within.

The world-class quality of education and practical experiences which you will receive from our Institute, by exposing you to the knowledge and the skills, inspired to serve as the foundation of your Professional Career and to enrich the quality of life.

Thanks for considering Elgon International Health Institute for enlightening your path of the success and converting your hopes & dreams in to reality.

kagai Kayi
Registrar EIHI
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